John Wasn't
Sixty Years

The Gloom Returns! 
Well the gloom has returned once again but yesterday was a real treat, you could almost have mistaken it for a spring day! We walked out to Seaford Headand Seven Sister to peruse the view. When I've taken the photos off the camera I'll put a couple up here. The wood from the Ice Prince doesn't seem to have 'infected' the beach there as it has in Worthing. There were a couple of planks to be seen but nothing else. Mind you, I suppose, the locals could have been quicker at gathering it up than the inhabitants of Worthing. Not that it can be of much use after spending some time in the water!

Well my car is in for a service today so there is no avoiding the housework! I just hope it isn't too expensive or I may have to think about alternative transport.

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Motivation and time - time and motion! 
Well there is a funny orange globe in the sky, AKA the sun, and I can feel hibernation mode coming to an end! The weather has been so gloomy and 'sit upon' of late it's been difficult to get motivated to do anything. To help me focus I sat and compiled a list of things to do then promptly lost it!

Time is still bothering me as well. the old adage goes that the older you get the faster it whizzes by. When you're younger you here the older generation come out with pearls of wisdom like that and think to yourself, 'Barmy old bugger,' or words to that effect. while i can now state that I am rapidly becoming a barmy old bugger. It's nearly the end of January - where did that go and February is such a short month and as Easter is so early this year I'll soon be counting the daffs in the garden! Well as it is so bright out there I'm off to the garden centre to get some motivation for that 'department' and get into motion!

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Where do the days go? I'll tell you where - they whizz by in a mingle of housework, shopping and writing other things besides blogs.

I am at the moment writing a longer story about the dragons that inhabit a park somewhere in Lancashire. Those who know me will soon work out where this park actually is! I have been brave, foolish or whatever and put the first drafts of the first four chapters up on this page in the hope that I may get some constructive, or even destructive, criticism.

Basically they are a family of fairy dragons whose ancestor’s role in life was to transport fairies but as fairies have now become extinct they have moved onto ‘looking after’ the children who play in the park. Living in the old ice house the head of the family is Jonus, an emerald green dragon, who moved over from Ireland at the height of the potato famine. His wife Ruby Rhubarb is of Spanish descent. Their only son is Aragon. Also living in the park, in a disused phone box, is Sancho, orphan friend of Aragon. Two young girls Ellie and Jane meet the dragons and are invited to Sancho’s 150th birthday party. They soon realise, as they get to know the dragons better, that life is not as idyllic as it might be for fairy dragons!

Do read but remember it is a FIRST draft so any comments or feedback are welcome. Keep watching the story will become more colourful as do dragons as they grow!

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I'm definitely in my grumpy old woman mode. Yesterday I went to the DSS office to find out about my state pension entitlement. There emblazoned in the foyer was the fact that this was where all enquiries regarding all benefits could be made. I joined the queue and stood patiently in line watching numerous people wandering round carrying anonymous folders, eventually two assistants walked up to the counter.They had obviously decided now the queue was long enough to deal with! When it was my turn I was politely informed they were not 'geared up' to deal with enquires and handed a leaflet with a phone number on it and told to make an appointment with someone. This HAD to be during a three hour slot on a Tuesday morning! I duly went home and rang the number then faced an interrogation as to how I had got the number and how did I know that there would be someone at that location on a Tuesday morning! I was then told someone would ring me back to make said appointment - Guess what - yep you've got it still waiting!!! :qwe:

I really needed to know if I had made enough national insurance contribution to qualify for a pension because if not I would ‘make up’ my contributions as the dear old Inland Revenue keep trying to persuade I must do before 2008. So I rang yet another number I had found on the pensions advisory service web site and BINGO I was speaking to a lovely lady who obviously knew her stuff and admitted that no they couldn’t give me a pension forecast at present as ‘the rules’ had changed last week and they were playing catch up. But she could ‘tot’ up my qualifying years and YES I do qualify for a full pension! HALLELULAH. Plus I will be able to get a forecast in 12 – 18 months time!!! But WHY couldn’t someone admit to this months ago? Someone must have known the changes were coming yet I’d made two previous requests which had been totally ignored. I’m now off to work out how to spend my pension!

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Photos & Pension 
Well I now know how to put pictures on this site so be warned - any family member whose photo I have in my possession is at danger of being embarrassed! I've started off with two of my son - his first camping trip and his first radio contact! It could have been his first bath but I'm not that evil.
More will be added soon so keep watching. I'm now off down to the local DSS office to TRY and get a pension forecast from them - they sent me one but it missed a big chunk of working life out. They then acknowledged that I had been working those years but despite asking them twice for another forecast I'm still waiting. (18 months later!).


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