John Wasn't
Sixty Years

Good Morning Preston 
I am sat in the student flat where my niece Wendy resides watching Preston slowly wake up. A seagull is circling outside stretching his wings and the building opposite is swallowing up the office workers for another day of tedium. Me? I’m drinking a cuppa and planning my shopping list! Early retirement is wonderful but I am slowly reaching the stage where I have more dash than cash. It could have something to do with the fact that I am becoming more high Maintenance. Glasses are more expensive when you need varifocals lenses that cure the eye sight which is deteriorating!! Dental bills – well don’t even get me going on that subject. But I suppose the screws in my jaw will prevent my teeth from EVER falling out again. I must make a mental note to myself though to make sure I have the funds for a mobility scooter with go faster stripes when my knees give way.
But in the mean time I am off to hit the shops, but please don’t tell the hubby. Poundland & Primark here I come !


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