John Wasn't
Sixty Years

Family Tales 1 Nanny Seguss 
After reading a blog written by a FB friend (Little white cottage) I thought what a good idea. I have been climbing my family tree for years now and have discovered lots of family folklore and stories and I’d like to share them with family and friends because all too soon these stories and tales are lost forever. I’ll start with the tales I can relate to and work backwards to my Great Grandparents. I’ll start with my Nanny

Hilda May Hipkin May 14th 1902 - February 12th 1960
My Grandmother, known to us as Nanny Seguss, was born in Henstead in Norfolk. Her father was police constable in the Norfolk Constabulary and in 1901 he married Ellen Emily Osborne. My Nanny was the eldest of six children - Hilda May(1902), Nellie Emma(1906), Jack (1911), William(1912), Thomas (1916), Betty Joyce (1922). As you can see her youngest sister Betty was twenty years her junior. She is the only sibling that I remember. My Mum used to tell me the story of how Read More...

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