John Wasn't
Sixty Years

The Gloom! 
The weather outside today is dismal and dreary. The weather does affect my mood so much. I get up on a sunny morning and immediately swing into action. Whereas this morning I crawled out of bed and I'm doing everything possible, even writing this, to avoid housework or writing. I've scanned the 'news', ambled through the bongo fury forum, watched the magpies take breakfast on the bird table and even meandered through the TOGS website. Eventually though I will have to summons up some energy and get on with life in general! I suppose I should be grateful of the fact I have luxury of being able to do things when I want IF I want! I would hate to have to join the rat race again. I may not be as well off as when I was working but quality of life is much better! I would certainly recommend early retirement to anyone who can afford a reasonable life style. The trouble is I have an evergrowing list of things to do but I find myself doing the enjoyable ones first! So eventually I'm going to be left with a list of things I really don't want to do and no excuse for avoiding them.


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