John Wasn't
Sixty Years

Lancashire and the old days. 
Well after an uneventful journey up here yesterday I am now in Lancashire. I've lived in Sussex for over thirty years now and visit Lancashire three or four times a year, sometimes more! I always enjoy visiting the old familiar 'haunts' and taking a trip down but memory lane. But something definitely happens with age, as I was motoring north yesterday and caught my first glimpse of Rivington pike and ‘them there hills’, as we jokingly referred to them in my youth, I’ll swear there was a tear in my eye. As we age I’m sure we get more nostalgic and the past is always viewed through rose tinted specs. I can remember my Dad waxing lyrical about the old country and I in my youth used to think ‘barmy old codger’. He used to sit for hours listening to songs about forty shades of green and his poor auld Mammy whilst reading Ireland’s Own magazine. Now I spend many a happy hour listening to Joe Fish country on Radio Lancashire via the internet and buying music by the Houghton Weavers, Fivepenny Piece and new stars like Kate Rushby who sings with a lovely northern accent, albeit Yorkshire! I also find myself saying things like ‘Ohhh the nights are drawing in’ and ‘kids today don’t know their born’. I even listen to Terry Wogan and can relate to the ‘TOGS’ emails. Yes I reckon somewhere deep in the grey matter is a small pea sized node called the reminiscence gland which becomes activated as our hair turns grey and the knees ‘give out’.

Well I’m off with my camera today to Worden Park in Leyland and I’ll take some snaps of the Daffs, hopefully in the sunshine. I’ll probably end up sat on a park bench remembering school cross country runs through there in my youth. No wonder my knees are creaky!


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