John Wasn't
Sixty Years

Today has been a lovely day - spring is springing! Went up to Highdown Gardens at lunch time and took a picnic lunch. It's the first proper chance I have had to take some macros with my new camera (Birthday pressie!), they really do look good. I do wish Hellebores would turn their faces to the sun instead of growing in downward facing clumps, they are such lovely flowers. I will post one of the pictures here when I've worked out how! Just wish I could keep up with technology.

We came back from Highdown and I spent the afternoon in my garden, generally tidying and filling in the empty spaces in the garden (Only a couple). I had 3 Dicentras (AKA Bleeding Heart) that I got from Wilkinsons earlier in the weekto put in. They are so attractive when they flower and return year after year. I am also pleased that I took loads of Geranium cuttings last year and they have survived and are now looking healthy. I usually go out each year and buy new ones but it was so easy I don't know why I didn't do it earlier! While working in the garden and out at highdown I was amazed to see quite a few bumble bees and even a couple of butterflies I'm sure they are early.

Gosh just read through this and realised that I have wibbled on for an age! Never mind - the Chinese takeaway is beckoning me.

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