John Wasn't
Sixty Years

We have not long returned from a visit to Lancashire and whilst there we also enjoyed travelling round Yorkshire Derbyshire & Cumbria. There was just a light dusting of snow which wasn't enough to stop us exploring but as you can see from above did add to the scenic beauty of the places visited. The wind was biting at times and as they say in Lancs it was a 'lazy' wind - went straight through you instead of round! It bought back memories of my Mum trudging me around Chorley Market to get her bargains whilst I complained constantly how cold I was, she must have had some patience! Whenever I say to people down here in Sussex that I am visiting Lancashire their eyes glaze over and they don't look impressed at all but it will never stop me enthusing about the place. The countryside is beautiful, the markets are PROPER markets, the cost of living is still cheaper,(Just!) and the people are friendlier! Just wish it was a bit warmer but you can't have everything.
We also visited Worden Park in Leyland which was the inspiration for my Dragon Story in the hope I could get some more inspiration and continue the story!!! I really must - so watch this space. Trouble is I must become more disciplined in my writing, I easily become distracted and I like to think that the housework shopping etc is done before I sit down to write.

I'm off to get myself in the right frame of mind!

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