John Wasn't
Sixty Years

Garden Centres 
As today was still spring like I'm still busy planning what I'm going to do with the garden this year, so it was a visit to a garden centre that was on today’s agenda. A very slow drive with the rest of West Sussex over towards Brighton race course took us to one, where we found plenty of Mother’s day gifts, Easter bunnies, obscure sauces, pickles and a book department covering everything from alternative remedies to mythology but no cold frames which is what I was really looking for. No we are not supposed to buy cold frames any more, just ‘plug plants’ or better still polystyrene packed ready nurtured plants. I will hand it to them they were selling plastic greenhouses but they weren’t big enough to swing a cat in. I have memories of my Dad ‘hiding’ in his greenhouse for hours puffing on his pipe. He would have asphyxiated inside five minutes in the models we saw today. I'll keep looking for the cold frame and resist the urge to be wowed by the ready nurtured plants.

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