I’m still trying to complete the Nano Wri mo challenge of writing 50,000 words during the month of November. Somehow I don’t think I’ll make it!
I am up to a word count of 38,000 but as there are only three days left I cannot see myself managing 4,000 words a day. But hey nothing ventured nothing gained. The great thing is my Dragon story is almost complete. When I started the month I had an outline of a story that I imagined was going involve a fierce battle between the Faerie Dragons and the fire breathers but it has taken a completely different line. Now comes the worse bit, editing and reediting it. Part of my problem this month has been that I keep going back on my self and amending storylines and checking spelling. I think I will have to content myself with 40,000 words this year and really ‘go for it’ next year.
As I started writing this blog I looked at the calendar and realized I had missed someone's birthday - off to send an email! Then I'll try and rattle out another few hundred words!
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