John Wasn't
Sixty Years

Family Tales 1 Nanny Seguss 
After reading a blog written by a FB friend (Little white cottage) I thought what a good idea. I have been climbing my family tree for years now and have discovered lots of family folklore and stories and I’d like to share them with family and friends because all too soon these stories and tales are lost forever. I’ll start with the tales I can relate to and work backwards to my Great Grandparents. I’ll start with my Nanny

Hilda May Hipkin May 14th 1902 - February 12th 1960
My Grandmother, known to us as Nanny Seguss, was born in Henstead in Norfolk. Her father was police constable in the Norfolk Constabulary and in 1901 he married Ellen Emily Osborne. My Nanny was the eldest of six children - Hilda May(1902), Nellie Emma(1906), Jack (1911), William(1912), Thomas (1916), Betty Joyce (1922). As you can see her youngest sister Betty was twenty years her junior. She is the only sibling that I remember. My Mum used to tell me the story of how Read More...

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New links on above panorama 
My other half, the computer guru who lives up in the loft, has now put a recent image and added links to the panorama at the top of this blog page. So not only can you spin round to make yourself dizzy you can also click on pictures and items in my room and learn a bit more. As you scroll across certain items a label appears click and it will open another webpage related to that item. I’ll get you started try the owl pictures hanging on the wall!

Dont forget you can zoom in and out also (Shift / Cntrl Keys or Mouse wheel)!! and the little button along the bottom makes the image fullscreen.....
Any problems do use the "Contact Me" link on the top right-hand menu, otherwise we will never know if your having a problem :hjk:

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Food Prices 
Why is it some days everything irritates? I’ve been full of grumps and groans this week. The ‘media’ inform us regularly of the inflation figures but sorry guys I don’t believe you. The BBC recently stated (I quote) ‘However, food prices rose by 1.4%, despite recent fierce competition between the main supermarket chains.’ Well I shop with two of the major supermarkets and week in week out the cost of my food bill is rocketing. Items do not increase by the odd few pence any more but 20 or 30 pence, then to add insult to injury the size of the packets is decreasing. A regular deal is three packs of meat for £10. When this deal started the pack size was 500g then it decreased to 454g now its 400g. So I end up getting 20% less meat for my money. Earlier in the week I decided to make a pork casserole (It was yummy). The pack size was 660g and 260g of this was pure fat. I weighed it when I’d removed it. I’m seriously considering becoming a vegetarian but then again who know what they spray on crops these days! Speaking of which don’t they inject pigs with antibiotics? Maybe I’ll just stop eating!

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2011 Travels 
It’s almost the end of January. Where did the month go?
Where did the last year go?
I’ll tell you where:-
January = Hibernation Mode
February = Woke from Hibernation
March = Lancashire to Celebrate my Sister’s 60th Birthday
April = Off to Glastonbury, then onto Wales via Rhandirmwyn in the Welsh hills, over the Brecons to Daffy meet of Bongo pals then to Llanystumdwy, Porthmadog, Ponty Pool Oswestry then home!
May = New Forest, Seatown, Burgh Island, Plymouth, Falmouth, Senan Cove, The Minack Theatre, Truro, St Michaels Mount,Bude Widemouth Bay Tavistock then back to Glastonbury and home from there!

June = Up to Kew to stay with our son for a few days and explore Kew Gardens and the National Archives. Then we headed up to Stourport, for our annual Bongo Bash, with other Bongo owners. After that it was onto Bedgelert Wales, Anglesey, Bala, Cardigan Bay, Cwmtydu, Aberporth, and home via Devises,

July = Leek, Very WET! Derbyshire got rained off after 4 days out!

August = Up to Lancashire twice. First for my niece’s 21st Birthday. Whilst there I enjoyed Southport the views from Rivington Pike, exploring the countryside around Rawtenstall, Chorley market, and pottering on my brother’s allotment
I trundled back to Sussex picked up the other half and headed North again! We visited Hebden Bridge, The Lancashire Panopticons, Formby Point, Gormley Statues, Brinscall, Blackburn Market, Gawthorpe Hall, Rufford Old Hall in fact all the places I never get ‘around to when visiting Lancashire because I am too busy visiting family and friends! Then it was north to Scotland
Our first wild Camp was at Luce Bay with a view over to the Isle of Man. We then enjoyed a beautiful day at the Mull of Galloway RSPB centre that night it was wild camping at Stranraer where the RAIN arrived! The fish didn’t seem to mind though they were busy leaping out of the water. The sun returned and we went over the bridge to Skye. We explored every windy lane and cove! Fish and Chips in Portree are not to be missed.

September = Still on Skye for a few days then it was onto Aviemore. We then headed to Glenmore for Scottish Bongo meet. The sky at night was lovely and clear but it did make for a very cold night. I had wanted to do the Applecross run– over the top but as it was a very low cloudy day so we took the coastal route and were not disappointed, the scenery was stunning. Then we camped at Inverewe. The Melvaig Inn was amazing the Sea Bass and Scallops were wonderful and the 60s pop memorabilia around the walls was like a trip down memory lane. We found Dingwall rather dour and Moffat as usual was bathed in rain! Wild Camp in a forestry Site – the wildlife that came out in the evening was good to watch. We headed down to Clent hills and finally we headed home to recharge the batteries and enjoy a few home comforts.

The end of September the wanderlust took over again so we booked into to Canterbury C&C Club site to explore the castles of Kent! We visited Sissinghurst, Deal, Samphire Hoe and the Reculver Towers on a VERY hot day!

October arrived whilst we were in Kent and the weather was VERY Hot!!! After a few days more it was home via Margate, Gravesend Sheerness.
November! REST!

December = Back up to Lancashire to deliver Christmas presents and visit friends and family!

Now I have sat here and written all this I now realize where all the money went last year, and why I have so many photos to sort through! I’m just about to plan this years’ ramblings!!
Shame I can’t order the weather as well.

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Lancashire time 
This last week in Lancashire has absolutely shot by! But what a lovely time I have had. A couple of days ago I bumped into my youngest cousin, Andrew, in a supermarket. I cannot honestly remember the last time I even saw him. It was lovely to catch up on all the family gossip!!! I cannot honestly believe my little cousin is now a granddad!
Time is very strange indeed. The quote by Helen Van Dyke is so very true :- “Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity.”
Very often I wish life had a pause button, rewind would be another useful feature! Delete, perhaps, but maybe not our trials and tribulations in life help in forming us into the people we become!
Lancashire watch out Evil Edna is again out and about!!


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