John Wasn't
Sixty Years

Bongo Bash 2009 

Thursday saw us heading towards the annual gathering of Bongos at Lickhill Manor in Stourport. Read More...

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Blooming Summer is on it's way! 

The sun has been glorious the last two days but as a nation we are never satisfied. If it rains it’s too wet, if it doesn’t rain us gardeners are Read More...

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Verwood Here We Come! 

We waited until everyone was heading back to work after the early May bank holiday and the weather had improved before venturing off on our travels again. Read More...

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Time! A very strange commodity 

Time has always fascinated me. We measure it in seconds, minutes, hours, days etc, but when it comes to the actual thing it seems to be so variable. I like the quotation “Time is nature's way of making sure that everything doesn't happen at once”. There is no fear of that happening with me lately. I honestly cannot believe it has been six months, almost to the day, since I wrote my last blog. I must get motivated! I’ve developed a lot of ideas for my Dragon Story but have I got it down on paper? You guessed, NO. Read More...

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Travels Around Sunny Sussex 

Today was a day I had not been looking for ward to for some weeks. A dental appointment and the idea of three fillings fills me with dread! But fate smiled on me - Read More...

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